Language Technology Consultancy

Localization and technology go hand in hand. Luckily, we work with both.

Wield the power of technology.

Your game’s success lies in several important decisions. When in doubt, technology comes to the rescue—it can address factors such as timeline, budget, software, security, and more. 

When it comes to technology, there’s no “one size fits all” solution. There’s a wide range of tools available in the market to cover the different needs you may have: CAT tools, QA tools, machine translation engines, TMSs, etc. Power up your game to achieve stellar linguistic quality in multiple languages!


Creativity meets customized consultancy.

Every project is unique. Our team is composed of creative thinkers, always looking outside the box for a customized solution. Led by our Solutions Architect, we assess the needs of your project and make suggestions to streamline processes and workflows—all without compromising quality. 

If you’re aiming to create a game for next-generation platforms, we will guide you to take your localization process to that same level—and beyond!

More Services

Legal Translation

Legal communications protect your game and brand. Expert localization is the best defense. Case closed!



Houston, we have a solution. Creativity meets cultural and linguistic expertise to preserve your message.


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